
Ian Chen - 18th IMA Certificate.png

第18屆美國獨立音樂獎 (The Independent Music Awards) 今天公布得獎名單,台灣音樂人拿下7座大獎,為歷屆最多,包括作曲家陳彥竹以「四靈文明」(Fantastic Creatures)原聲帶拿下最佳影視及電玩配樂。



Source: https://www.worldjournal.com/6916893/

四靈文明入圍年度最佳配樂 @ G.A.N.G. 電玩音頻網絡協會

GANG Music of the Year 2020

戰略遊戲《四靈文明》入圍美國電玩音頻網絡協會 (Game Audio Network Guild) 的年度最佳配樂獎 (Music of the Year),將在3月19日於舊金山舉辦的 2020 遊戲開發者會議 (Game Developers Conference) 中舉辦。

G.A.N.G. Awards(Game Audio Network Guild Awards)電玩音頻網絡協會獎是一個專門為電玩音頻設立的獎項。其中“年度最佳配樂”是舉辦的音樂類獎項中,對作曲家最高的肯定。

入圍同一獎項的遊戲,還包括 Respawn Entertainment 開發的 《星際大戰 絕地:組織殞落》,Gearbox軟體 開發的《邊緣禁地3》,Frostkeep Studios 開發的《Rend》,以及 Flavourworks 開發的《Erica》。執筆配樂的都是世界知名的重量級作曲家,包括為暴雪娛樂多項金典遊戲《魔獸世界》系列,《星海爭霸》系列,《暗黑破壞神》系列以及《Overwatch》等配樂的 Neal Acree,《刺客教條系列》的作曲家 Jesper Kyd,《星際大戰》系列及《星環戰役2》的作曲家 Gordy Haab,《決勝時刻4:現代戰爭》的作曲家 Stephen Barton,以及 2012 年為《Journey》作曲而成名的 Austin Wintory。

Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order - Gordy Haab, Stephen Barton
Erica - Austin Wintory
Fantastic Creatures - Ian Chen
Undersea - Magic Leap Studios
Borderlands 3 - Jesper Kyd, Michael McCann, Finishing Move Inc., Raison Varner
Rend - Neal Acree

Source: https://www.broadwayworld.com/bwwtv/articl...

四靈文明 電玩原聲帶專輯發行

Fantastic Creatures Album Cover

Mythological Units. Ancient China. In the divine Chinese realm, Fantastic Creatures are awakening to a dire situation. The land is dying, resources are scarce and time is running out. Incarnate one of the four Fantastic Creatures: Dragon, Tiger, Turtle or Vermilion Bird to unveil the ancient mysteries of Tian.

The Soundtrack for Fantastic Creatures tells the many stories that comes to form the Chinese creation myths: from the dismembered corpses of a primordial giant (Pangu), world parent siblings (Fuxi and Nuwa), to the later gods and goddesses such as Xiwangmu the Queen Mother of the West. The Soundtrack employs live recordings of many traditional Chinese instruments such as the pipa, guzheng, dizi, hulusi, sheng erhu, as well as cello solo performances by Armen Ksakijian. The Chinese instrumentalists are some of the best in the US, contracted through Zhonghua Chinese Orchestra. The full soundtrack album is available on Spotify, iTunes, Amazon on Nov. 14th, 2019 along with the release of the game on Steam. It includes a song with lyrics taken from a Tang Dynasty poem that depicts a scene in "Tale of King Mu, Son of Heaven" where Xiwangmu awaits for the arrival of her beloved King Mu of Zhou.

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